Political Contracts and Dual Democracy

We investigate whether the combination of incentive contracts for politicians and elections (dual democracy) can help to improve democratic election processes. We examine two types of incentives for politicians: Incentive contracts which make the remuneration of a politician dependent on his political performance and threshold incentive contracts which determine a minimum performance level that a politician has to reach in order to be allowed to run for reelection. In particular, we are concerned with the following issues:

  • Can incentive contracts and elections motivate politicians to invest in policies that yield long-term benefits?
  • Can incentive contracts help to improve the politicians' effort-allocation across tasks?
  • Does the competition of politicians for incentive contracts and elections alleviate inefficient decision-making in politics?
  • How can incentive contracts be designed for coalition governments?
  • Can a combination of incentive contracts, elections and political information markets be used to generate incentives to invest in long-term policies whose outcomes are not verifiable?

We examine whether the introduction of a dual mechanism of incentive contracts for politicians and democratic elections improve the quality of democratic decision-making.


  • Costs of Change, Political Polarization, and Re-election Hurdles, Journal of Political Economy, 2019, 60.
    (Hans Gersbach, Philippe Muller, and Oriol Tejada)
    Download Working Paper Version
  • Coalition-preclusion Contracts and Moderate Policies, Games and Economic Behavior, 114, 2019, 28-66.
    (Hans Gersbach, Maik T. Schneider and Oriol Tejada)
    Download Working Paper Version
  • Higher Bars for Incumbents and Experience, Journal of Theoretical Politics, 29(3), 2017,492-513.
    (Hans Gersbach and Markus Müller)
    external page Working Paper Version
  • Unraveling Short- and Farsightedness in Politics, Public Choice, 170(3), 2017, 289-321.
    (Hans Gersbach and Oriana Ponta)
    Download Working Paper Version
  • Government Debt-threshold Contracts, Economic Inquiry, 52(1), 2014, 444-458.
    (Hans Gersbach)
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  • On Higher Hurdles for Incumbents, Economics Bulletin, 30(1), 2010, 774-785.
    (Hans Gersbach)
    Download PDF Download
  • Contractual Democracy, Review of Law and Economics, 8(3), 2012.
    (Hans Gersbach)
    external page Working Paper Version
  • Tax Contracts, Party Bargaining and Government Formation, Mathematical Social Sciences, 64(2), 2012, 173-192.
    (Hans Gersbach and Maik Schneider)
    external page Working Paper Version
  • Tax Contracts and Elections, European Economic Review, 56(7), 2012, 1461-1479.
    (Hans Gersbach and Maik Schneider)
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  • Flexible Pensions for Politicians, Public Choice, 145(1-2), 2010, 103-124.
    (Hans Gersbach and Markus Müller)
    external page PDF Download
  • Power to Youth: Designing Democracy for Long-term Well-being, Mathematical Social Sciences, 58(2), 2009, 158-172.
    (Hans Gersbach and Tobias Kleinschmidt)
    external page Working Paper Version
  • Competition of Politicians for Wages and Office, Social Choice and Welfare, 33(1), 2009, 51-71.
    (Hans Gersbach)
    external page Working Paper Version
  • Incentive Contracts and Elections for Politicians with Multi-Task Problems, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 68(2), 2008, 401-411.
    (Hans Gersbach and Verena Liessem)
    external page Working Paper Version
  • Reelection Thresholds in Politics, Social Choice and Welfare, 31(2), 2008, 233-255.
    (Hans Gersbach and Verena Liessem)
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  • Competition of Politicians for Incentive Contracts and Elections, Public Choice, 121(1-2), 2004, 157-177.
    (Hans Gersbach)
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  • Incentive Contracts and Elections for Politicians and the Down-Up Problem, in M. Sertel and S. Koray (eds.): Advances in Economic Design, Springer, Berlin, 2003.
    (Hans Gersbach)
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