Unemployment, Product Markets and General Equilibrium Effects
We examine how wages, unemployment and market regulations depend on the extent to which economic agents, voters and parties take general equilibrium effects into account. In particular, we are concerned about the following issues:
- How does non-awareness of general equilibrium feedback effects impact on wage negotiations between unions and employer associations?
- How does non-awareness of general equilibrium feedback effects impact on voting behavior regarding industry regulations?
- Can we neglect general equilibrium effects in the product market regulations?
- How do product market reforms and uneven technological change affect unemployment?
- Voting Oneself into a Crisis, Macroeconomic Dynamics, 20(4), 2016, 1-31.
(Hans-Jörg Beilharz and Hans Gersbach)
Download Working Paper Version (PDF, 322 KB) - Collective Bargaining, Awareness of General Equilibrium effects and Unemployment, International Economic Review, 52(3), 2011, 693-712.
(Hans Gersbach and Achim Schniewind)
Download Working Paper Version (PDF, 208 KB) - Imperfect Competition, General Equilibrium and Unemployment, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 32(5), 2008, 1381-1398.
(Hans Gersbach and Achim Schniewind)
Download Working Paper Version - Structural Reforms and the Macroeconomy, in Robert M. Solow (ed.) Structural Reform and Macroeconomic Policy, Palgrave Macmillan, 2004.
(Hans Gersbach)
Download Working Paper Version - Promoting Product Market Competition to Reduce Unemployment in Europe: An Alternative Approach?, Kyklos, 53(2), 2000, 117-133.
(Hans Gersbach)
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Working Papers
- Download Uneven Technical Progress and Unemployment
(Hans Gersbach and Achim Schniewind)
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- external page Hans-Jörg Beilharz (IUB Internationale Hochschule)